Diözesanmuseum Paderborn – Interactive exhibition concepts
Diözesanmuseum Paderborn and RMH MEDIA have been working in close cooperation for years. As digital partner, we support the museum with conceptualizing and implementing unique and interactive applications.

“We are always happy to contribute ideas and digital solutions during the concept phase of new exhibitions – especially, when we can create interactive experiences that meaningfully enhance the museum visit. We always make sure that our applications visually match the context of the exhibition and the overall appearance of the museum.”
Interactive experiences that meaningfully enhance the museum visit.
Virtual and interactive applications are not an end in themselves. They must always fit into their surrounding context, both technologically and visually. Especially in a museum, it is important to develop our ideas and implementations to match the corresponding exhibition and the overall concept of the museum.

To create an interactive application about Gothic style, you have to think Gothic thoughts.
We developed an application where museum visitors can immerse themselves into the Gothic architectural era by designing their own Gothic-style windows. In doing so, they playfully learn how important – structurally and visually – windows were to Gothic buildings. Even though visitors create their gothic windows on a touchscreen device, the user interface of the application is designed in "skeuomorphic" fashion – this means, it does not look like a digital interface, but more like parchment. This increases visitors' immersion by making them feel like they are actually handcrafting their designs.

In addition, we captured the entire Gothic façade of the museum with a drone and converted it into a 3D model using photogrammetry. This resulted in extremely high-resolution images (image data?), which were later used as oversized projections in the museum's exhibition rooms.
Visitors can embark on a virtual journey through time in our interactive history of Rome. Here, visitors can experience the development of Rome over the past 2000 years up to modern times at their own pace.